Has it been so long?

I'm back after a long hiatus from fitness walks, Bison knuckle bones and chillin in my Soho Pad.
Here I am on the left, life is sooooo gooood chillin' on my comfy bed. Where is the maid?, I need my afternoon bison treat.
I'm going to give you a brief synopsis of the past yrs happenings.
I've been working on my body, can't let the good life keep me from being fit and pretty; especially with summer here and all the boys on the prowl. The long fitness walks as my mommy calls them, or torture walks as Daddy refers to them, through the Soho hood, Lower East Side , East Village and the west side highway keep my buns in shape and my legs muscular. Being a downtown girl, I need to represent!

One of the guys who works there loves me, but then again who doesn't! His name is frog, weird name for a dude but he's mad cool and not so bad looking. I'll let him walk with me in Dumbo but not in Soho, he's not that cute. Here I am in the store.. I had papparzzi chasing me in the store so I hid in the back! hehe.

Daddy has been his usual self, lazy for the walks and easily out of breath after 5 minutes of play. At least he's back to working out now. I like to taunt him in the middle of his work outs to make him lose concentration, I'm so bad :) . He deserves it after bathing me cold water.
Mommy is the greatest, always feeds me on time and gives me the best walks ever. Plus she lets me on the bed and makes Daddy feel guilty for making me sleep on the cold harsh floor. Here I am on the bed when Daddy's not around hehe. A princess deserves no less!

Well, that's it for now. I will be back soon to update you on the latest happenings and gossip. I've been getting fan mail from my adoring fans and I promise to be back more frequently. TaTa!