Damn It's Hot.

Then we stopped by Sparkys cuz 'miz owner' needed a burger. I dont get the extra trip...I mean there's soooo many goodies at Happy Paws, why the extra trek up the street in this heat I ask? Anyhoooo there I am contentedly seated outside - Mommy feeding me ice cubes, which, btw I LOVE! And there out of nowhere comes the paprazzi needing pics of me. ::sigh:: What's a pup to do?
POSE, of course! It just makes sense to give them what they want - you know what I mean? I've given up fighting it, I mean can the public help it if they can't get enough of me? Soooo, I obliged the nice boy, from Metro...I think he said his name was Ari...and, I was unbelievably cute drinking out of that cup and snacking on ice cubes. I guess I can't blame him. A pit has to do what a pit has to do. Plus, he said I was pretty, and he let me sniff his camera. Sweeet.
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