YAY we win!
Not only did this idiot human Michael Vick plead guilty, he's been suspended indefinitely from the NFL!! Woot!!!!. Notch one up for my fellow brother and sister canines. It's so sad to know that 53 fellow pitbulls seized from his property will be put down :( I wish mommy and daddy could help but I'm a handful as is. Plus I hate to share my furry toys even though there must be a cutie for me in that bunch for sure.
Next up, watch out rapper DMX! I've been hearing the barks loud and clear that you're up to no good. I got my eye on you!
Micheal Vick - A View From The Pit(bull)

Does the NFL electrocute or drown players that don't win games? That's what happens when a canine brother loses a fight.
I'm not a normally political kinda pit...I prefer lounging and walks over the bridge... but even I can't ignore this anymore. A pit must be heard!
I’m going to get this off my chest because I can’t bark at the television anymore! There needs to be an end to the discussion of ‘hypocrisy’ in regards to the outrage most humans feel about what this Michael Vick human has admitted to doing. He’s getting no more, no less press than than Lindsay Lohan gets on a drunken night out.. woof- PUHLEEZE.
You don’t even have to own a dog, or even LIKE dogs to be outraged by dogfighting. It’s downright despicable. My 'people' are brutalized and tortured for human entertainment. We are trained by humans to do this and we hate it and would rather chase furry things around the back yard, or curl up in the sun for a snooze.
It’s not hypocritical for humans to FINALLY to be outraged at animal cruelty of this scale. It’s called becoming AWARE..and woof woof!...With awareness comes CHANGE. For those who say humans are not treated with the same outrage level in other situations ……Maybe if you humans treated animals better you would treat each other better?
Let’s not forget YOU HUMANS are ANIMALS on this planet as well. What makes you humans think you are capable…that you CAN treat EACH OTHER better, if you are NOT outraged by the cruelty that my canine brothers and sisters endure for ENTERTIANMENT purposes?
How can humans treat each other better if they deem other living things as less worthy than themselves? Humans created my dog aggression, I'd rather be happy and help out rather than fight to the death.
The pitbull community believes the outrage is well deserved, and we want you humans to stop comparing the ‘outrage’ to other awful things-one outrage does not preclude another! Comparing ‘outrage-levels’ is a pathetic way to disengage from the brutality of what happened to my canine brethren.
In the USA: It’s not cultural. It’s illegal.
It’s not about black and white, it’s illegal.
It's about a human breaking the law by fighting/torturing/killing animals for wager and sport.
The pitbulls approve. woofwoofHURRAY!
And tell that Anderson Cooper, I'm camera ready baby...rowr.