Chillin' In SoHo

I go out alot. I'm a popular girl! Not all pitbulls live in the 'hood'. I live in the SoHo part of NYC. We usually take my nightly stroll past a few key NYC landmarks. Last night we hit Little Italy, which is just a few steps from our house.

Next time I go out I'll take a picture of (what used to be) John Gotti's social club. Now it's a shoe store, but the neighborhood still has some of that oldworld gangsta feel to it. Rough enough to be cool. Cool enough to be chic. A pit has to be careful where she socializes. This is the back of Old Saint Patricks Cathedral on Mulberry St. I like to smell the grass through the fence in the graveyard. The graves are REALLY old. Older than Mommy & Daddy. Combined.

This is Daddy walking me in the hood. Every lady needs a handsome manby her side. He can get grouchy at times when I want to sniff and mark my territory, but a girl's got to do what a girl's got to do! I love daddy even though he can be a meany. We look good together walkin' in the hood :)
Next we head over to my FAVORITE spot for a litle late night rat chasing! WoooHooo!They're back behind this big ol iron fence.

The NERVE of those little #&^%$. I'll show them! I love to run from one side ...then around the corner to the other side and cut them off. Ha. They think there's a way out hehehe.Not while I'm on the job.

Next we head around to Bowery.....hmmmm one of the best things about NYC is you never know when you're going to look up and find art. Like this graffiti.

Or, like this 250 y/o door. Some say this door has magical powers......that if you sit in fr

ont of it that ghosts look out through your eyes. I don't know about that one lolol, I sit out here all the time, I never see any ghosts!
Fitness Walks
Mommy got me out of the house early today and we went over to the West Side Highway by the river. She woke me up and I was feeling kinda sluggish. I put up a little resistance but it did me no good, so I thought I better humor her and get my workout in. I've lost two of my 5lb winter weight gain, and I must admit I like being able to see my waist again.Just because I've been spayed doesn't mean I have to let it all go to pot. I'm only 2, I have years of cuteness ahead of me.

We went by the dog park, and I just wonder why all those suckers think that's so cool. Meh. I'd rather let them watch as I saunter by...I have NO interest in other dogs. In fact, they just get in my way, and sometimes I have to school them and let them know who the diva is, you know? That gangly wet goofy tall-azzz schnauzer better STEP the next time he sees me...cuz I'm not havin him shake his wet butt all over MY pretty coat. I think not. I'd rather play at home...much more comfy.

I met a nice event planner named James who thought I was pretty, he didn't reach down over my head, so...he earned a sniff. Finally after two hours we high stepped home, I was exhausted and needed a nice long nap before I got my FAVORITE treat...this nice big frozen bullystick. MMMMM the perfect treat for a perfect day.
The Pit Life
The paprazzi just won't leave me alone!
I rock the winter NYC styleeeee!

Hehe, if daddy only knew I was on the bed, ssshh

Grrrr, take that you little scoundrel
My First Blog

Well I've been wanting to start a blog ever since I was adopted in Dec 2005 from the ASPCA. I have much better better digs now. I now chill in a fab loft in SoHo.
My mommy works here all day and I get to sunbathe everyday under the skylight. My daddy is home all day too, not sure what he does, he hardly makes a peep. At first I didn't like all the people coming over all day, but then I realized they're mommies' friends and clients. They're cool people and know I need some time to get to know them. Then I let them play 'take my bone - ha! NOT' They fall for it everytime...Humans are so predictable.
Sweet. Woof.